Brighten your smile with teeth whitening


There are many factors which can affect the colour of your teeth. Yellow teeth or stains on your teeth can be embarrassing and have a negative impact on the appearance of your smile. Good dental hygiene and visiting the dentist on a regular basis can usually keep your teeth looking white and clean. Professional cleaning with your dental hygienist can also remove superficial stains from the surface of your teeth. Unfortunately some stains are more stubborn and cannot be removed by brushing or cleaning and require teeth whitening Macleod.

The most common type of tooth stains are extrinsic stains. These are caused by plaque and tartar on the teeth. They can be caused by chemical compounds called chromogens found in certain food and drink such as different types of berries, red wine, tea, coffee, cola and soya sauce. Food and drinks containing a large amount of tannins also stain your teeth, for example black tea, coffee and red wine. Certain lifestyle choices such as smoking and chewing tobacco also yellow your teeth. Over time these stains become stubborn and cannot be removed by brushing so you need to speak to your dentist here at The Dental Retreat and find out about teeth whitening Macleod.

Teeth whitening – the process

Teeth whitening Macleod at the dental practice is the quickest, gentlest and most efficient way of whitening your teeth. To begin with, you will need to book a consultation where our dentist will discuss how many shades lighter they expect your teeth to be following teeth whitening at the dental practice. We can also offer you a home treatment kit if you prefer the process to be carried out gradually in the comfort of your own home. If you decide to have the treatment at the dental practice then rest assured you are in good hands. Your lips and gums will be protected and a retractor will be placed into your mouth so that we can access all of your teeth. The teeth whitening gel consists of hydrogen peroxide which can be harmful to the other parts of your mouth, therefore your dentist will make sure that you are secure at all times. The whitening gel will be applied onto your teeth and activated using UV light to speed up the bleaching process. This breaks down the stain molecules on the surface of your teeth to reveal the white enamel underneath. The procedure itself usually takes between half an hour and an hour to complete and your teeth will be significantly whiter and brighter after the appointment. Depending on the severity of your stains you may require more than one appointment, but our dentist will make sure you are aware of this beforehand.

Maintaining your white smile

Once your teeth have been whitened it is important that you maintain good dental hygiene and continue to visit the dentist and hygienist on a regular basis. In this way you should be able to maintain a beautiful smile for up to 3 years. By adjusting your lifestyle and making better choices, such as considering smoking cessation and enjoying a healthy diet you should be able to maintain healthier teeth and gums at the same time. Speak to our dentist at The Dental Retreat today and find out more about teeth whitening.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.