We understand that dental surgery can be quite daunting for some patients. At The Dental Retreat we aim to make sure every treatment we administer is gentle and as caring as possible.
Dental extraction or removal of teeth is a common procedure performed in a dental clinic. The reason for tooth extractions in a child could be due to trauma, extensive decay or a mobile tooth and will usually be replaced by a permanent tooth while waiting for the tooth fairy.
In adults tooth extractions are considered the last resort, if the tooth cannot be saved by other means. Extractions are required if there is extensive caries, advanced gum disease causing mobility of teeth, trauma with deep fractures and extra teeth.
If you are hiding your smile from friends and family, speak to our friendly dentists or staff at The Dental Retreat today. Book an appointment to learn more about the cost of our treatments or enquire about our range of comprehensive dental services and solutions.
Contact us today to learn more or arrange an appointment.