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Dental Fillings for Kids in Macleod

Dental Fillings for Kids

Dental fillings for kids are done to prevent the progress of decay or cavities and enables children to maintain healthy teeth. Decay or dental caries can be a result of not following the correct diet and brushing habits, it can also be due to crowded teeth, improper fillings, lack of sealants in areas of teeth that are difficult to clean and more.

Importance of Fillings For Children's Teeth

Fillings are done on time to prevent children developing sensitive teeth and reducing the chance of decay progressing into the core of the tooth which has nerves and blood supply. This can result in root canal treatment or early loss of the tooth if treatment is delayed. Dental fillings for kids done early will maintain integrity of the tooth and continuity of the dental arch. Kids tooth fillings will also early prevent movement of nearby teeth into its space and will not compromise function, as it contacts the opposing arch while eating food.

Improper fillings, leaking fillings, discoloured fillings may need to be redone to prevent secondary decay and prevents having optimal health of teeth and gums. That is why it is important to see an experienced dentist early on.

Kids Tooth Filling Procedure

Once the tooth is examined for filling, dental x-rays may required for knowing the extent of decay and determining if the filling alone will the best treatment. Then the soft caries or decay needs to be removed which may need minimal drilling and in some cases the use of a local anaesthetic. Following this, the tooth is filled with a white resin and made to closely resemble the look of their original tooth.

Fillings in children also depend on the age of the child, familiarity with their family dentist, level of co-operation, extent of decay and experience of what they have seen and heard from their parents, siblings, friends at school and social media.

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