Want to know more about teeth whitening? Your FAQs answered by the Dental Retreat


Are you fed up with having a yellow tint on your teeth that won’t budge? Have you tried whitening toothpaste and mouthwash to no avail?

If so, it may be time to visit our dentist to discuss having your teeth professionally whitened.

In years gone by, whitening techniques took a long time to achieve, often causing heightened sensitivity and having very mixed results. Today, thanks to advances in the gels and polishes we use in our clinic, you can rest assured that not only will the result look great, but it will offer many months of gleaming smiles.

At The Dental Retreat, we will always listen to what you hope to gain from teeth whitening Macleod; which shade you want, which stains you are having troubles with and we will also aim to reduce problems with sensitivity too. We can also offer you top-up kits to use at home, to prolong the whitening effect. Great stuff!

But you may have some initial questions about teeth whitening Macleod and here, our team has answered 5 FAQs we receive about this procedure. So, read on and enjoy!

What causes discoloured teeth?

Sometimes, diet causes stains on teeth, sometimes it is genetic and at other times, it may be due to illness or medication.

Whatever the cause, when you come to our team at the Dental Retreat for teeth whitening Macleod, we will adapt our methods to offer the best results, meaning that any persistent stains will be lifted with ease. Should the cause be due to illness or medications, you may require multiple sessions to get the result you want.

Which whitening method will be best for me?

As mentioned before, this will depend on the cause of the staining.

Our team will examine your teeth and discuss with you what we feel the best treatment would be. Usually, we will use oxidising gels to lift the stains but, if you have very stained teeth due to illness, we may use an abrasive technique to help with the whitening.

How long do the results last?

With professional whitening, the results can last anywhere from 6 months-18 months.

Remember, we will usually offer you top-up kits to use at home but your diet, lifestyle (such as smoking) and overall health can impact the whiteness of your teeth too.

If you are finding that the whitening effects aren’t lasting as long as you want them to, talk to our team.

Will my teeth become more sensitive?

With most types of whitening, sensitivity is an issue.

But our team will always aim to keep the risk of sensitivity low, only applying gels to areas that cannot be whitened with other methods and potentially using fluoride sealants to block the sensitivity causing holes in the enamel. Great!

Can at-home kits offer the same whitening results?

Very rarely.

If you have extensive staining, at-home kits, mouthwashes and toothpaste will rarely lift them. You can always talk to our team about whitening options.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.