How to use Invisalign aligners


Most people with misaligned teeth in their adult years want a quick and simple solution to the problem.

And in years gone by, this would have meant wearing large, metal braces that would be less than discreet, especially in the workplace or when dating.

Of course, the dental world has found a way to help those who have mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment to correct them with ease using the creation of invisible aligners.

When you come to see our team at The Dental Retreat, we will assess your suitability for Invisalign Macleod, and if you tick all the boxes, we will begin working with you to get the straighter and healthier smile that you want.

But, with that in mind, you may be curious about how you, as the patient, use Invisalign Macleod and what exactly enables the aligners to work properly. Read on for our simplified guide!

Keep them clean

Invisalign Macleod aligners need to be kept clean.

Yes, they are removable, and yes, they are made from thin plastic, but as they push against your teeth and gums, in order for them to not impact your dental hygiene, you will need to keep them clean. This is a straightforward process and involves you rinsing them under a cold tap.

Keep them in

For the aligners to work efficiently they need to be kept in for around 22 hours per day, as advised by our team.

If you fail to hit this target, you may notice that the realignment process slows down or your teeth revert back to their previous positions in your mouth.

If you are having trouble keeping the aligners in, call our team for help, as we may be able to provide a discreet, fitted brace that may be more suitable for you.

Keep in touch

As aligners do not need tightening or adjusting, our team at The Dental Retreat will not need to see you as often as we would if you were wearing fitted braces. However, you should aim to stay in touch with us at least once a week with a photograph of your smile sent via the associated app. This will allow us to assess how well the realignment process is going and if there are any issues.

Keep the old ones

The aligners come in a set of between 12 and 14, with each one needing about 2 weeks of wear to straighten your teeth.

So, when an aligner becomes loose, you move on to the next one in the sequence. But this does not mean you should simply get rid of the aligners you have used. If you lose a newer aligner or one breaks, you will need a replacement to wear while a new one is created. So, for the benefit of your teeth, hold on to every aligner.

Keep them safe

OK, so you may think it is fine to toss your aligners when they are not in your mouth into your bag or coat pocket. But this is not a good idea.

The aligners, as mentioned before, are made from a thin, brittle plastic that, if placed into a space like your bag or pocket, may warp or break. To avoid this, keep the aligners in the carry case provided and if you lose the carry case, call our team for a replacement.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.