Common FAQs about teeth whitening answered by The Dental Retreat


It is a complaint that as many as 5 in 7 dental patients have, and that is they feel their teeth are simply not white enough.

This is not to say that the majority of people want the gleaming or phosphorescent Hollywood smile, but the majority of people who engage in drinking coffee or other beverages that are high in tannins often feel that their teeth have a yellow tint that they want to resolve. This is where professional dental whitening can work wonders.

When you come to The Dental Retreat, our team will assess the cause of the discolouration on your teeth and will then devise a teeth whitening MacLeod regime to get them to the shade of white that you want. This may involve in-surgery whitening, mixed with the use of at-home bleaching gels, but overall, the process will be monitored and your teeth will be gleaming at the end of it.

Before you rush to book an appointment to have your teeth whitened, it is normal to have some questions about the procedures used and other potential concerns that you may have. In this article, our team answers common questions about teeth whitening MacLeod so you will know what to expect.

Will whitening be uncomfortable?

In years gone by, professional dental whitening was indeed slightly uncomfortable. This was because the level of bleach or hydrogen peroxide used in the gels was excessively high and there were no anti-sensitivity agents built in. Modern teeth whitening MacLeod is more comfortable and our team will gently paint on the gels and use the oxidation process to remove staining gradually, so any sensitivity that you may experience will be minor and temporary.

I heard that there are different types of whitening, is this true?

Yes, there are two types of dental whitening that most dental surgeries use. The first which removes surface stains caused by tannin or drinking coffee is the one revolved around bleaches and gels and the oxidation process. If you have a deeper set staining, caused by medication at an early age for example, then we may need to use abrasive whitening methods which will involve gently sanding the stains off your teeth and then using a sealant to protect against any sensitivity.

How long will the effects last?

It’s hard to say how long the effects of dental whitening will last.

For some people, it can last as little as 6 months and for others, the effects can be noticeable for 3 years. The core thing to remember is that your lifestyle will play a part. So, if you are a smoker and regularly drink black coffee or red wine, it is likely that your teeth will become stained sooner than somebody who does not smoke and primarily drinks water.

How often can I have my teeth whitened?

Most people have their teeth whitened every quarter, so once every 3 months. But if the effects are longer lasting than this, then it is perfectly acceptable to have your teeth whitened professionally once a year or even once every 2 to 3 years.

Are there top-up gels?

When you come to our team, we will provide you with the top-up gels to use at home to keep the whitening effects for longer. These are generally worn in a mouth guard and are placed overnight in your mouth, so the whitening process can occur while you sleep.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.