Are there disadvantages to at-home teeth whitening? A short guide from the Dental Retreat


In an ideal world, everyone who brushed their teeth twice a day and didn’t smoke would have perfectly white teeth. Sadly, many people who keep up with regular dental hygiene and refrain from tooth staining activities can still present with stains on their teeth, leading them to try over the counter whitening toothpaste and mouthwashes. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, there are few kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes that are strong enough to remove deeply set stains. So, following on from this, many patients opt for over the counter whitening kits, which can be problematic.

At The Dental Retreat, we know all about teeth whitening Macleod and know exactly what is needed to leave our patients with a smile that would envy the Hollywood elite. We will discuss with you what your aesthetic goals are, and will ensure that your teeth remain in top condition while we apply the oxidising gels to whiten them. Great stuff!

So, what are some of the disadvantages of at-home whitening when compared to in-chair teeth whitening Macleod? Read on to find out!


Whitening your teeth and sensitivity often go hand-in-hand, especially when you are whitening your teeth at home. Why? Because many at-home kits come with a minor form of bleach which, while whitening, if not used correctly can cause holes in the dentine to widen. With professional teeth whitening Macleod, our team knows how to control the procedure against such issues, and will use a more targeted approach to whitening your teeth without causing discomfort.


There are many advantages of having our team whiten your teeth. Another benefit is diagnostics. As odd as it sounds, while you may be pretty sure that a brown spot is caused by staining, our team may be able to determine that it is caused by decay and so, whitening it may cause damage to the tooth and heighten discomfort. So, just to be safe, if you want whiter teeth, pop into our surgery in Macleod!

Gum damage

Bleaches and gums do not go well together! When you have your teeth professionally whitened, we will fit a covering over your gum line, so none of the bleach touches the gums. However, at-home kits rarely (if ever) come with this option, meaning there is a heightened risk of bleach hitting the gums and causing sores and blisters to form. Ouch!


You may think all types of dental staining are the same, but they aren’t. And, much like any kind of cleaning, each stain requires a different chemical strength to successfully remove it. Our team will be able to adapt the strength of the oxidising gels to each stain on your teeth, removing it without damaging the surrounding enamel.


And finally, while it may seem rather expensive to pay for professional whitening, the end result will last longer and will be more stain-resistant than any of the results obtained with over the counter kits. So, professional whitening options are well worth trying out!


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.