Why is Invisalign a favourite for teeth straightening?


Invisalign Macleod is an efficient method of straightening your teeth without drawing unwanted attention to your mouth. There are different types of clear or invisible braces thanks to advances in digital technology. And here at The Dental Retreat Invisalign Macleod is one of our favourites. Over the years we have seen that teeth straightening with Invisalign Macleod produces highly predictable results. It is a convenient and comfortable method of improving the appearance of your smile, whilst also promoting better dental health at the same time.

Advantages of teeth straightening with Invisalign

There are many advantages to straightening your teeth with Invisalign. To begin with, as the name suggests, Invisalign is an invisible method of straightening your teeth that cannot be seen in your mouth. It uses clear thermoplastic aligners as a discreet alternative to metal brackets and archwires. You can carry on with your daily life and no one will even notice that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Removable aligners

Another advantage of these aligners is that unlike traditional braces there are no dietary restrictions. This is because the aligners are taken out at mealtimes which means that you are able to eat all your favourite foods and enjoy your favourite drinks. It is important that you remember to take them out otherwise you will damage or stain your aligners. Because the aligners are removable it also means that your teeth are easy to clean. You can brush, floss and rinse your mouth as you would normally. This means that there is significantly less risk of plaque and tartar building up on the surface of your teeth. With traditional braces there is a chance of gum inflammation or gum disease, whereas with Invisalign you are able to maintain a good dental hygiene routine and your teeth remain clean and healthy. It is important that you brush your teeth, floss and rinse your mouth before putting your aligners back in and you can also undergo a professional clean here at The Dental Retreat once every six months or more often if you wish to do so.  If you have a special event then you can keep the aligners out of your mouth for a few hours if necessary and add an extra few hours for that aligner before you move on to the next one on the series.

Comfortable aligners

Another reason why Invisalign is so popular is that they are comfortable to wear. They are manufactured from a soft plastic and there are no wires or brackets involved which means there is less chance of cuts or sores in the mouth. When you first start to use Invisalign, as with any other type of braces, you may feel some form of discomfort for the first few hours although with Invisalign this is significantly less than with the other types of braces. The discomfort should subside within a few hours, therefore it is recommended that you change your aligner at bedtime so that you can wake up in the morning and your mouth will be accustomed to the feeling.

Disclaimer: All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.