Teeth whitening at the dentist or at home
Teeth staining occurs as a result of many different factors. Poor oral hygiene can cause your teeth to appear yellow as does avoiding the dentist. This is because plaque and tartar build up on the surface of your teeth and...
Posted on 19 January 2023
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Why is Invisalign a favourite for teeth straightening?
Invisalign Macleod is an efficient method of straightening your teeth without drawing unwanted attention to your mouth. There are different types of clear or invisible braces thanks to advances in digital technology. And here at The Dental Retreat Invisalign Macleod...
Posted on 12 January 2023
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Teeth whitening Macleod for a smile transformation
The appearance of our teeth can have a significant effect on the way we feel about ourselves. Teeth whitening Macleod at the Dental Retreat is a great way to transform your smile and boost your self-esteem quickly and easily without...
Posted on 22 December 2022
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Straighten your teeth comfortably and discreetly with Invisalign Macleod
Teeth straightening has become one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments amongst adults in the last few decades. More people than ever before are interested in teeth straightening in comparison to previous generations. A few decades ago most people...
Posted on 15 December 2022
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Improve the appearance of your teeth with teeth whitening Macleod
Teeth whitening Macleod is a popular cosmetic dental treatment amongst patients of all ages who are looking to improve the appearance of their smile.. Our dentist will first carry out an examination of your teeth and gums and take a...
Posted on 17 November 2022
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Discreet teeth straightening with Invisalign Macleod
Invisalign Macleod is a highly useful method of teeth straightening which has helped correct more than 13 million smiles across the world and continues to be the cosmetic orthodontic treatment of choice amongst dentists and patients alike. If you have...
Posted on 10 November 2022
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FAQs about teeth whitening answered
The majority of dental patients who visit cosmetic dentists have the same issue, they simply want their teeth to be whiter. While there is nothing inherently wrong with not having gleaming white teeth, it is seen as a status symbol...
Posted on 20 October 2022
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The process of getting Invisalign aligners explained
In recent years there has been something of an overhaul in the way the majority of dental surgeries offer realignment procedures to patients. In years gone by, to have your teeth straightened as an adult, you would need to wear...
Posted on 13 October 2022
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Common FAQs about teeth whitening answered by The Dental Retreat
It is a complaint that as many as 5 in 7 dental patients have, and that is they feel their teeth are simply not white enough. This is not to say that the majority of people want the gleaming or...
Posted on 22 September 2022
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How do I care for Invisalign in daily life? Queries about daily care answered
When you begin treatment with an invisible aligner, you will undoubtedly have a lot of questions relating to how long the treatment will take, how likely it is that you will get the straighter smile that you want and how...
Posted on 15 September 2022
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