Could you benefit from teeth whitening? A guide


When most people finger through a glossy magazine or look online at celebrities, they usually come to the same conclusion; wow, I wish my teeth were that white!

As a result of this, dental whitening has become a popular cosmetic procedure in recent years, with many people seeking to brighten their teeth and achieve a more confident smile. While dental whitening is a really enhancing procedure, it is not suitable for everyone.

When you come to see our team at the Dental Retreat, we will be happy to discuss teeth whitening Macleod with you and will also be able to offer other solutions to whiten your smile if needed, such as porcelain veneers or composite bonding.

So, is it likely that you will be able to have teeth whitening Macleod with our team? In this article, we will explore who can benefit from dental whitening and who should avoid it.

People with stained or discoloured teeth

Teeth whitening Macleod is aimed at and is particularly good for people with teeth that are stained or discoloured due to factors such as age, diet, smoking, or certain medications. Whitening can help remove these stains and brighten the teeth, restoring a more youthful and healthy appearance.

People with healthy teeth and gums

Dental whitening is a procedure when performed by our team, but it is important that people seeking whitening have healthy teeth and gums, as the procedure can cause sensitivity or irritation in individuals with existing dental problems.

People who want to boost their self-esteem

A bright, white smile can be a self-esteem booster for many people. Dental whitening can help you to feel better about your appearance and more comfortable smiling in social or professional situations.

People with a special occasion coming up

Many people choose to whiten their teeth before a special occasion such as a wedding, graduation, or job interview. Whitening can help people look their best and feel better in yourself on these important days.

So, with that covered, who should avoid dental whitening?


Dental whitening is not recommended for children under the age of 16, as their teeth are still developing, and the procedure may damage the enamel. Sorry!

Pregnant or breastfeeding women

The safety of dental whitening during pregnancy or breastfeeding is not yet known and is still an area of ongoing research in dentistry, so it is best to avoid the procedure during these times.

People with sensitive teeth or gums

Whitening can cause sensitivity or irritation in people with existing dental problems. It is important to speak with our team before undergoing the procedure if you have sensitive teeth or gums.

People with restorations or dental work

Dental whitening is not a good idea on restorations such as fillings or crowns and can cause these materials to appear darker or discoloured in comparison to the surrounding teeth. If you have previous dental work in your mouth and want to whiten your teeth, you may be a good candidate for other procedures, such as dental veneers or dental bonding. So, talk to our team today!


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.