An introductory guide to Invisalign from The Dental Retreat


When it comes to straightening your teeth as an adult, you may be under the impression that the only way you can successfully do so is by using fitted, metal braces; luckily, this is a myth.

There are many instances in which metal braces may be required to straighten teeth, but unless you have a complex case of dental misalignment, which may also involve your molar teeth, you may be able to get the straighter smile you want by using a clear or invisible aligner.

When you come to The Dental Retreat, we will be happy to assess your suitability for Invisalign Macleod and always aim to make any orthodontic treatment that you need to undertake as minimally invasive and as discreet as possible. That way, you can feel happy in your smile, even as it is being straightened.

But you may want to know more about Invisalign Macleod before contacting us about it. So, here, our team has devised a brief introductory guide for you to look through. Enjoy!

How do invisible aligners work?

Invisible aligners like Invisalign Macleod work by gently pushing your teeth into the desired locations.

It begins with a consultation with our team. We will take a scan of your teeth using an intraoral scanner. After this, the scan will be sent to a laboratory that can digitally move your teeth into the desired positions, usually in around 12 to 14 steps. These steps will then be broken down into aligners with specified shapes that, when worn in the correct order, can gradually apply pressure and move your teeth.

So, all you have to do is wear the aligners correctly.

Daily wear

As these aligners are removable, you could be forgiven for assuming that you can wear them whenever you want. Sadly, this is not the case.

For aligners to work well, you will need to wear them for a minimum of 22 hours per day. Don’t worry! They are comfortable enough to sleep with and visually discreet enough to be worn when holding meetings or giving lectures.


As the aligners are removable, you can take them out to brush your teeth and eat food.

But, before putting them back into your mouth, make sure that your teeth are clean and that the aligners are free from debris or food particles. This will help to minimise the chances of you developing tooth decay or gum disease while undertaking orthodontic treatment.


With invisible aligners, they will not need tightening or adjusting, so you will not need to visit our surgery every two weeks to have this done.

You will, however, need to attend appointments with our team every 6 to 8 weeks so that we can check your mouth for signs of gum disease.

The app

Invisible aligners come with an app, which can be downloaded on most smartphones. This app will allow you to send our team photos of your smile once a week so that we can assess how the realignment process is going.

If we deem it to be on track, great! If we feel that there needs to be an adjustment to the length of wear, we will send you the instructions. This streamlines the entire process and reduces your visits to our surgery.


All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.